Our Services
Smart, creative and practical.
Always adapted to the needs of your organization.

Bring clarity and alignment to what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for.
We help you answer questions such as:
“What does success look like?”
“How do our activities contribute to our goals?”
“What are we best at? What is our unique contribution to the field?”
“What should we be prioritizing?”
Services include: theory of change development, assessment of progress towards strategic goals, visioning sessions, environmental scans, gap analyses, stakeholder consultation and strategic plan development and revision.
Support an ecosystem of actors, address root causes, and catalyze social change.
We help you answer questions such as:
"What are we achieving through our granting? How can we increase impact?"
"We are interested in granting to a new field: What are the current actors, key issues and opportunities?"
"How can we improve engagement with grantees? What communities do we not want to overlook?"
"How can we use our foundation’s power and influence to better support change?"
Services include: landscape scans, stakeholder mapping, issue-based research, issue briefs, and assessments of existing grants and initiatives.
Embed intersectional, feminist, equity-driven approaches to giving and investing.
We help you answer questions such as:
"What do we need to know about our focal issue from an intersectional and equity lens?"
"What is a gender-based analysis of our current work?"
"How can we build diversity, equity and inclusion into our grant cycle?"
"Where are we doing well and where can we improve - and how?"
Services include: gender-based analysis of issues, gender and inclusivity audits of grant process, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and gender equity strategy, staff coaching on implementation, workshops, board training.
Gather knowledge, measure your impact, and tell your story.
We help you answer questions such as:
"What do our partners and system actors think about our work or our issue?"
"What has been our impact?"
"How can we measure and track progress (towards strategic goals, systems change, or project objectives)?"
"How can we make evaluation and reporting meaningful yet light? For ourselves and our partners?"
"What are best practices? What are international examples?"
Services include: evaluation coaching for staff, systems change evaluation, primary research (interviews, surveys, focus groups, observation), secondary research, case studies, impact stories, issue briefs, project evaluation, evaluation plans, performance management frameworks, theory of change.
Understand the landscape, identify strategic partners and build meaningful collaborations.
We help you answer questions such as:
“Who are potential partners for our organization?"
“What is the best governance and operational model for a new collaboration?"
“How can we maximize a current collaborative initiative to make the most of partner assets?"
“How can we better support collaboration and capacity building?"
Services include: facilitation, stakeholder consultations, partner scoping and due diligence, asset mapping, partnership agreements, and collaborative work plans.
Innovate to share power and increase effectiveness.
We help you answer questions such as:
"How can our board make a more meaningful contribution to the organization?"
"How can our decisions-making and information flows be improved?"
"What is the best way to set up governance of a new initiative?"
"How can we ensure diverse voices are heard and have influence?"
Services include: power mapping, board self-review and reflection, governance model development, coaching, training, and workshops.